Monday, February 25, 2013

Rick Ross targeted by GD's (Gangster Disciples)

     Recently the "gangster disciples" made a video telling Rick Ross to "cut a check" to them and he isn't down for that. Ross released a video in reply and the GD's didn't like it. On Ross's birthday the other day after leaving a restaurant the GD's shot up his rolls Royce but no one was injured. In the GD's video they rap about "MBK" which stands for Maybach killer, the rap group Rick Ross is in. They also say everyone else in Maybach isn't safe until Ross cuts the check. One other reason for there hatred toward Rick Ross is that in a new mixtape of his "The Black Bar Mitzvah" he uses the star of david which is one of the signs of a GD because there gang is based on six points, Life, Love, Loyalty, Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding.

Story that made the news:

GD's threatening Rick Ross (VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED!)
And many more....