Tuesday, March 26, 2013

"Crocodile" the drug

                   To no surprise there is now a new drug out in Russia and Easter Europe. This drug is called "crocodile" or "krocodile" and it is a disturbing and deadly drug. This drug can be made fairly easily from Codeine, Iodine and red phosphorous, and its said to be between 8 to 10 times more powerful than morphine. The life expectancy of a user is 1-3 years, this drug litterally eats your flesh. After a few uses your skin may dry out and look scale like and then eventually develope gangrene and legitamatly rot your flesh off down to the bone. Luckily this drug isnt popular in the united states, i have no idea who in the right mind would even want that but thats the world we live in. I am personally refusing to post any links pictures or videos on this drug. You can Google search "crocodile the drug" and im sure youll know why. The pictures and videos are informing but very disturbing and will be sure to make you gag. I might use one of these videos on my kids for the dont do drugs speech, its almost gaurenteed to work.

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