Thursday, April 18, 2013

University of Rutgers "Delefast" looks like "Project X"

             Recently in New Brunswick NJ the University of Rutgers students held what seems to be a relatively massive block party. with more than 500 yes, 500 intoxicated college kids, what good would ever come out of this? As seen in this picture these students set all kinds of house furniture and beer boxes on fire. At first two police SUV's start down the round followed by over 20 standing officers with riot shields and pepper spray to disperse the crowd. then followed the fire trucks to put out the fires. out of all this only three students were arrested, Jordan Zuck, 21, Michael Simone, 20, and Haroon Malik, who was also 21. Most or all are being charged with aggravated assault on police, unlawful possession of a weapon, possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose, disorderly conduct, inciting a riot, obstruction, failure to disperse, and obstructing a roadway. The police are also looking into videos to see if anyone else should be charged. 

Here is a video of this party,

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