Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Misssing for a decade, and just found!

       This is he face of Ariel Castro, one of the three brothers, along with Pedro and O'Neil Castro that are being charged in this missing persons case. These men kidnapped three women, Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus, and Michelle Knight and brought them to their house in Cleveland, Ohio. They were kidnapped and went missing between 2000 and 2004 in separate incidents, while they were only from 14 to 20 years old. While they were being held captive for all those years they were abused physically and sexually. They uncovered this kidnapping by Amanda Berry managed to escape the house and call the police.

      Usually after a person is missing that long one must assume that they are dead. Gone for ten years what else could you possibly think. Its a miracle that not just one but all three women were found and still alive. The things these men did to those women are disgusting and the women have got to be very strong to survive all that time in captivity. (Amanda Berry on left, Gina DeJesus on right)

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